
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Join Dayle Annand, Rob Prigge, Karen Soencksen, and Ruth Brinker as they share some family Christmas traditions and wonderful Advent traditions with you! We wish you all a wonderful Christmas season. For the books mentioned in this episode,visit: www.jothamsjourney.com

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Julie has transitioned 3 of her 4 children from school to homeschool and has great insight and tips for families who are looking to do the same!

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Houlie Duque, the creator of Homeschool To Go, talks to us about how her method will encourage families to embrace a project-based homeschool curriculum that is easily adaptable for not only working families but also families with children with special needs. Homeschool To Go is a personalized program to help you with each individual child you are homeschooling through meeting with your own teacher and assessing the needs of each child. You can find them at www.homeschooltogo.org

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Peggy Ployhar is an expert in homeschooling children with special needs, neuro diversities, and twice exceptional children. Peggy started SPED Homeschool when she was working with families homeschooling their children and finding it hard to get resources they needed. SPED Homeschool is a place to find a wealth of resources for almost anything you would need as a homeschooler of special needs children. You can find Peggy at www.spedhomeschool.com Also find the article referenced by Peggy of Dianne Craft’s Healing Teaching at www.diannecraft.org

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Jenn shares with us her experience of setting an appointment to meet with her representative and talks about how her day went and all that happened on her family’s visit to the state capitol.

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Michael Ramey from the Parental Rights Foundation shares what is happening with parental rights in the USA and how it could affect homeschool families right here in Minnesota. For more information go to www.parental rights foundation.org

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
A quick talk with our executive director, Rob Prigge, about the behind the curtain workings of MACHE!

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
In this podcast Amy Puetz Fox of Golden Prairie Press joins us as we explore the exciting connection between history and food. Learn ways to incorporate cooking into learning history and where to find historical recipes. We will also explore how eating the food from previous time periods can enhance our understanding of history. Visit Amy’s website at www.goldenprairiepress.com to find her wonderful history books and so much more!

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Ginny Yurich lives with her husband Josh and 5 children in Michigan. Ginny is the founder and creator of 1000 Hours Outside, a global movement to encourage families to enjoy all that the great outdoors has to offer! Join us today as Ginny discusses her new book, “Until the Streetlights Come On” and the importance to our children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development that outside play brings. You can follow Ginny on Instagram on 1000 Hours Outside and you can visit her website and blog at www.1000hoursoutside.com

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Esther’s Place Homeschool Resource Center is here to help make home education successful for your family. Whether you take advantage of their Parent Equipping nights or the curriculum library you will find someone at Esther’s Place ready to encourage, talk, and pray with you. For more information on Esther’s Place, you can visit their website at www.estersplacehrc.org

Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators has two main purposes: to protect homeschool freedom in Minnesota and to provide support for families who homeschool. This podcast, Homeschool Minnesota, is part of that support. For any questions or to contact us regarding homeschooling, you can visit us at MÂCHÉ