
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Math can be an intimidating subject for parents and students at any age and it can strip the joy of learning away quickly! Enter Angela O’Dell’s math program, Math: Lessons for a Living Education. For those of you looking for an engaging, colorful, Biblically-based, story-driven math curriculum, this is it. You can find Angela’s math curriculum no Master Books at https://www.masterbooks.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Angela%20O%E2%80%99Dell You can also find Angela on her podcast, Real Cool History for Kids, on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Podcasts.

Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
In a world that can feel overwhelming and chaotic how do we create a home that is rooted in Christ and Biblical values for our family? What simple habits can we do right now to make home a sacred and safe place for our family to thrive and grow in their relationship with the Lord? Jennifer Pepito talks today about how we can make our homes a sacred place to seek God and to raise our family. She challenges us to change the world by changing your home one habit at a time. If you are interested in Jennifer’s book, Habits for a Sacred Home 9 Practices from History to Anchor and Restore Modern Families, you can order it here: https://www.thepeacefulpreschool.com/habitsforasacredhome To listen to Jennifer’s podcast, Restoration Home, you can go to Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
After more than 20 years working in education, Christy and her husband chose to walk away from a thriving business consulting on education for families wanting to find educational alternatives for their children. Seeing so many struggling with traditional education, they started to research and explore homeschooling which profoundly transformed their perspective on education. Christy began homeschooling her children and mentoring and supporting parents who have taken on homeschooling. Christy runs an online community, Thrive Homeschool Community, hosts a podcast, The Christy-Faith Show, and writing. You can find her on her website at www.christy-faith.com her podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, and YouTube to buy her book “Homeschool Rising: Shattering Myths, Finding Courage, and Opting out of the School System” you can go to Amazon here: Homeschool Rising: Shattering Myths, Finding Courage, and Opting Out of the School System https://a.co/d/5VsJJjC

Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Finding a good curriculum or study to do with teenagers to draw them into the Word and conversations about their faith can be a challenge! Enter the Foundations in Worship study from Master Books. Today Kristy Smith will discuss working through this deep content with her 4 teenage daughters and the fruit she has seen as a result. This book is a study for high school in hymns and can cover Bible and/or Music study as an elective with the ability to give a credit toward graduation. It incorporates not only scripture study, listening to music, great conversation starters, but, also an oral presentation component. But, above all, it is a chance to go deep into faith with our teenagers and get them into the Word in a real way. To find “Foundations in Worship” please visit this link: https://www.masterbooks.com/foundations-in-worship

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
As moms, wives, educators, chauffeurs, event coordinators, planners, cleaners, chefs, personal shoppers…the list goes on and on…we can get bogged down in the daily needs of others around us. How can we prioritize a healthy time away to reconnect with the Lord and be renewed so we can continue to give? Abby has the solution! Her team is planning Homeschool Mom Retreats in MN! To get information about it and to sign up please go here: https://familystylelearning.wordpress.com/retreat/? If you are interested in Abby’s YouTube channel, Family Style Learning, you can go here: https://youtube.com/@familystylelearning?si=XSIJMr5eCxRl3xdA

Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
As homeschooling families we all agree that arts are an important part of our children’s education, but, what do you do when you aren’t musical or artistic? Stacy Saxon has the answer for those who want to give their children a good musical education but they aren’t musical themselves. As a homeschool mom Stacy understands what a homeschool looks like and what home educators need to teach a good foundation in music. “How To Teach Music When You’re Not Musical” is a comprehensive homeschool musical curriculum that has everything you need to teach in one book. This curriculum covers topics such as sound, orchestra, music in movies, music in video games, making your own instruments, and vocalization. To find Stacy’s book visit her website at http://www.musicisforever.net

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Discipling our families is a big job! Today Anne Butler, author of Feast of Inquiry, encourages us to prioritize the time we spend with our families leading them into the presence of God and teaching them all about Biblical truths. Join us as Anne discusses her book and how it can help you not only with leading your children and family into great discussions about the Bible, but, can also get the Word of God deep into your own heart. You can find out more about Anne on her website https://www.tablelearningresources.com/ You can find Feast of Inquiry at Feast of Inquiry: Discussion Questions to Serve Our Souls From Every New Testament Chapter https://a.co/d/a4WRyTF You can also find The Bible Project at https://youtube.com/@bibleproject?si=s3lSkSm4EZhaPOgG

Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Martyn Iles is the Executive CEO of Answers in Genesis and has written “Who Am I? Solving the Identity Puzzle” in answer to the identity crises today. What is true Biblical identity and how can we pass that on to our children? Are we asking the right questions when it comes to identity and are we starting in the right place? Martyn discusses the true starting point for Biblical identity and the questions we should be asking ourselves and our children. You can find Martyn’s book at Master Books: https://www.masterbooks.com/who-am-i-solving-the-identity-puzzle

Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Catch On to Cursive is a whole child, Bible based approach to cursive written in a colorful, story-driven book. Because she was a special education teacher, Carrie understands the importance of teaching cursive and the skill children receive from the exercises she has written into the curriculum. In this episode Carrie discusses the importance for children to practice cursive and handwriting and how it works toward their fluency in reading and other subject areas. To find Catch On to Cursive, go to Master Books: http://www.masterbooks.com/catch-on-to-cursive Also, keep an eye out on Master Books for Carrie Bailey’s new handwriting curriculum for younger students, Handwriting A to Zoo!

Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Ken Ham is the founding CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. As one of the most in demand speakers in North America, he shares the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door. Join us as he talks about climate change and a Biblical response. His new book, Climate Change for Kids…and parents too!, is a great resource for families on the Biblical response Christians should take regarding climate change. You can find his new book at Master Books: https://www.masterbooks.com/climate-change-for-kids-and-parents-too for more information on the Creation Museum you can click here: https://www.creationmuseum.org For more information on the Ark Encounter you can go to this link: https://arkencounter.com To find information on Answers in Genesis follow this link: https://answersingenesis.org/

Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators has two main purposes: to protect homeschool freedom in Minnesota and to provide support for families who homeschool. This podcast, Homeschool Minnesota, is part of that support. For any questions or to contact us regarding homeschooling, you can visit us at MÂCHÉ